The Requirements of Evacuation Signs and Diagrams

LEGISLATION The Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (QBFSR) and AS3745 2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, requires that all buildings conduct an evacuation exercise at intervals of not more than 1 year.

AS3745 & Qld Building Fire Safety Regulations: LEGISLATION SUMMARY

LEGISLATION The Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (QBFSR) and AS3745 2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, requires that all buildings conduct an evacuation exercise at intervals of not more than 1 year.

Requirements for General and First Response Evacuation Instruction for all Occupants working in a building

LEGISLATION The Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (QBFSR) and AS3745 2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, requires that all buildings conduct an evacuation exercise at intervals of not more than 1 year.

The Requirements of Appointing a Fire Safety Adviser (FSA) in Queensland

LEGISLATION The Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (QBFSR) and AS3745 2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, requires that all buildings conduct an evacuation exercise at intervals of not more than 1 year.

Residential Body Corporate Emergency Management Requirements (High Occupancy)

LEGISLATION The Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (QBFSR) and AS3745 2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, requires that all buildings conduct an evacuation exercise at intervals of not more than 1 year.

How Do You Know You Have The Right Emergency Management Consultant?

LEGISLATION The Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (QBFSR) and AS3745 2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, requires that all buildings conduct an evacuation exercise at intervals of not more than 1 year.

Requirements Of Evacuation Exercise

LEGISLATION The Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (QBFSR) and AS3745 2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, requires that all buildings conduct an evacuation exercise at intervals of not more than 1 year.

Fire Safety In The Home – (Part 2)

In my previous post we discussed general home fire safety, statistics and developing evacuation plans.
This week I want to discuss preventative measures that can be used room by room to minimise fire risks in the home.

Fire Safety In The Home

Man puts out fire with extinguisher.

Having been a professional Emergency Management Consultant for nearly 15 years, I have taught thousands of Occupants in industrial workplaces and commercial buildings their emergency procedures.

Fire Safety Compliance For Small Business In Queensland

Whether you are a small business or a multi national company, there is legislation that must be adhered to. Small business often do not realise that they have obligations under the QBFSR 2008 which must be fulfilled in order to be compliant.