It is a requirement for a class 2 or 3 (Residential) building that is more than 25 metres in effective height, to ensure compliance to the Qld Building Fire Safety Regulations 2008. The number of workers on site in these buildings is irrelevant. 



Class 2 – A building containing 2 or more sole-occupancy units each being a separate dwelling. 

Class 3 – A residential building, other than a Class 1 or 2 building, which is a common place of long term or transient living for a number of unrelated persons. example: boarding house, hostel, backpackers accommodation or residential part of a hotel, motel, school or detention centre. 

Effective Height – Means , the height to the floor of the top most storey from ground level (This definition is found in the Building Code of Australia) 

High Occupancy Building – Means, any of the following buildings, other than a building used for temporary events: 

A class 2 or 3 building more than 25 metres high. 

A class 2, 3, 5, 6, 7b, 8, 9a or 9b that is a workplace.

If a class 2 or 3 building over 25 metres also has commercial or retail tenancies attached, which is a workplace, (Class 5 or 6), then these business’s are also required to ensure that the QBFSR 2008 requirements are met.

It is therefore required for Body Corporate’s in buildings over 25 metres ensure that the following compliance’s are met. (Where applicable) 


  • A Fire Safety Adviser appointed. 
  • Keeping evacuation routes free from obstruction. 
  • Evacuation planning, instruction and practice for Wardens and Occupants, including persons with special needs. This includes: 
  • All permanent residents shall be familiar with the Emergency responses, as described in the buildings Fire and Evacuation Plan. 
  • Evacuation Coordination Instructions for the designated Warden team yearly. (AS3745 2010 recommends 6 monthly and is best practice) 
  • Evacuation practice and debrief with written report completed yearly. 
  • Business’s on site are required to ensure all Staff undergo General evacuation instructions within 2 days of commencing employment and then every 12 months. 
  • Business’s on site are required to ensure all Staff undergo First-response evacuation instructions within 1 month of commencing employment and then every two years. If over 30 employees, then instructions must be given by an RTO or Fire Safety Adviser. 
  • Training and Evacuation exercise records must be kept. 
  • Maintenance of installed fire safety installations. 
  • Records of maintenance including Occupiers statements must be kept for 2 years after statement is prepared. 
  • Certificate of Classification to be displayed if Certificate was issued after 1st July 1997. 
  • Evacuation Signs and Diagrams to be displayed along the evacuation routes. If Class 3 accommodation unit, then diagrams must be displayed in each unit stating the procedures for safely evacuating the building. 
  • Written Fire and Evacuation plan demonstrating means of escape from the building to the designated assembly area and procedures for other identified emergencies.